im an artist in animation and music, ok


I dont have a job


Joined on 9/2/24

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QuibbyMakesStuff's News

Posted by QuibbyMakesStuff - 3 days ago

5 Fans is not much but in newgrounds standards its a lot

i wanna thank you all

Posted by QuibbyMakesStuff - 9 days ago

i have been animating on the internet for 2 years now, and now for the first time i got an animation job (unpaid)

im working for a show on youtube called Winner of Wishes so check it out if u can!

Posted by QuibbyMakesStuff - 12 days ago

Im Making A Competition show, and object show if you could say so....

and i decided to post updates on here!

i didnt do muhc with the show yet, but i have a name for the show and the host

so the Host is an infinity symbol and negative one.

And the Shows name is: Infinity Brawl

wish me good luck for the show!


Posted by QuibbyMakesStuff - 2 weeks ago

so ive started an "album" and made some songs for it, and i mightve have not gotten many views but its got positive ratings!

which ive never gotten on newgrounds!


Thanks guys..


Posted by QuibbyMakesStuff - 2 weeks ago

I have released a show called Fishies like, 2 days ago and theres been people who keep saying that they look like darwing

and not gonna lie, youre kinda correct but i never intended for them to have any similarities.

Also for people wondering what thier names will be.

The Orange one is called Balku


And the Pink one is called Ribe!


so yeah just wanted to clarify that

Posted by QuibbyMakesStuff - 2 weeks ago

something people dont know is that this isnt my first newgrounds account, i had many before this one, and for some reason everytime i post art on my account, theres this dude called tyhond who immediately comments after like 10 minutes of me posting the art

not wanna be rude, but is this a bot or a real guy commenting cuz its ccrazy how you can comment on peoples art the second they post it

but still thanks for the moral support tyhond


Posted by QuibbyMakesStuff - 2 weeks ago

i have just released the first episode of my show yesterday and its been getting some positive support. Ive also started to write the script for Fishies 2!

so yeah im gonna give you guys updates on Fishies 2!



Posted by QuibbyMakesStuff - 2 weeks ago

i finally released the first episode of my show : Fishies!

its seems childish but i will make it a pretty serious show very quickly

im gonna keep posting updates on ep 2!


Posted by QuibbyMakesStuff - 2 weeks ago

I wanted to upload my second song for my album "Trees Alive"

but i got a flase copyright claim from newgrounds, that i stole a beat. even tho i made the beat completely myself

heres proof:


so yeah newgrounds please let me upload my music


Posted by QuibbyMakesStuff - 2 weeks ago

so yeah im starting to make an album called Trees Alive, the album will maybe have 5-10 songs.