im an artist in animation and music, ok


I dont have a job


Joined on 9/2/24

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who tf is tyhond and why do i see him everywhere

Posted by QuibbyMakesStuff - 2 weeks ago

something people dont know is that this isnt my first newgrounds account, i had many before this one, and for some reason everytime i post art on my account, theres this dude called tyhond who immediately comments after like 10 minutes of me posting the art

not wanna be rude, but is this a bot or a real guy commenting cuz its ccrazy how you can comment on peoples art the second they post it

but still thanks for the moral support tyhond



He is a real person who also makes cool art and music. I like how creative he can be and most of all I like his supportive nature. He commented on some of my stuff too.

He’s also a person who rates 5 stars too
I have never seen him rate low so he’s probably a generous person

Tyhond's a nice guy from what I could tell and makes good content. He near instantly commented on my shitpost for clockday too. I also just checked and bro's very committed to comments and reviews I think. He has near 100k and since he's been on for like 5 years that's like 58 posts a day on average if my math is right. Good on him though.

@QuibbyMakesStuff As far as I can tell from observation, Tyhond likes to encourage artists in general - but especially those who are relatively new to Newgrounds and might still be a little shy. :3

@Poligeektoons Just for the record: I rate a lot of UJ-submissions with zeros. If anyone were ever to inquire about 'me', I hope you'll apply the same logic to tell them that I'm the _scum of the earth_ or something. ;)

thx for the info! i used to make art/music/animation on youtube but moved to newgrounds for personal reasons, but laso thanks for the info

YIPPEE! And thank you for letting me comment :3 I feel happy!

@Yatsufusa please don’t 0 rate me and please don’t look at my video…

@Poligeektoons I (almost) exclusively use 0s on UJ-submissions - because of how the system is set up. Usually there's always something redeeming about a submission, even if it is lacking in the technique-department. Seeing something that's truly deserving of a 0 out in the wild is extremely rare for me.
I think the last thing I rated 0 was a real world map taken straight from (probably) Wikipedia with no additional commentary.

@Poligeektoons Update: I could not resist checking out why you were so worried... ;3

Let me say this: I think it is very important that citizens can (and 'do'!) parody/satirize their current political leaders. And that man provides a lot of material to work with. ;) Your videos might not be for me because I had enough Pokémon for several lifetimes, but I think you are doing the Lord's work, regardless.

@Yatsufusa aww man that’s okay, at least you vote good and I saw it went up to 3 stars thanks